Let's Talk

Hope you are well.

This typically banal opener seems to carry more weight these days. The unresting series of events of COVID-19 and George Flloyd’s death have catalyzed today’s society to expose systemic issues - of healthcare as well as socio-economical, racial, political divides throughout our everyday lives. So, we really hope that you are well in these times.

We still hope these tumultuous months will provide a unique opportunity for reflection on our role as designers. We also hope that our collective reflection will shape the next generation of thinkers - across diverse backgrounds and perspectives to address issues that are widely pertinent today.

In these next series of posts, the Journal will ask for your contributions - thoughts, questions, perspectives on the current situation. What have you been going through - as a student, faculty, staff, or alumni? How have you been coping with the current situation?

Please feel free to share one-liner comments, images, writings, or of any other sharable medium that deliver your perspectives, thoughts, and questions.

Send via email bacjournal@the-bac.edu or via Instagram DM @baclogue!

Here are some questions to get started as well. We will update this list as additional food for thought comes through:

  • What have you been going through? Perhaps personally?

  • How are you coping with the current situation?

  • What has changed?

  • What has stayed the same?

  • What have you noticed from the world in the recently?

  • How could the recent events be a catalyst for positive change?

  • How could designers take a stance in face of racism and/or the pandemic?

  • How will you emerge from today’s circumstances?

Yoonjee KohComment